If you are considering change or simply want to be prepared to do so, a little preparation goes a long way.

If you are looking to explore new directions in your career, we would like to help. Even if you don’t end up taking a new position through our efforts with our clients, we can still assist you in getting the most out of the process.

Please see below If you need in-depth help with building/refreshing a resume and/or project list, interview preparation or help with a difficult resignation. If you want one-on-one assistance feel free to reach out directly by clicking the button below.

It wasn’t raining when Noah built the Ark….

  • Writing your resume

    Writing your resume

    Let us help you stand out from the competition. You never get a second chance to make a first impression. If you want a general refresher on how to put a resume together specific to the construction industry, please reach out. We can provide general assistance or a complete overhaul of your resume along with many different examples and formats we can share.

  • Interview Preparation

    Before you walk into any interview, you should know as much about the people, company and the position as you possibly can. Knowing yourself is another key piece of the puzzle. Contact us and we can help provide a roadmap on how to get the most out of any interview.

  • Resignation Assistance

    Forging a new career path is not easy nor is it a quick process. Over the years we have compiled a few tips to hopefully help you navigate your way through the process. Feel free to reach out to us and we can help with resignation, counter offers and how to gracefully leave one opportunity and move to another.